When was water damage prevention of your building was inspected? If it has been awhile, the roof could have problems lurking that require immediate attention. Some roof problems cause obvious signs such as for example leaks, while some produce subtle signs that are only detectable at first glance. In either case, leaving the problems unaddressed can cost you a small fortune when you finally repair them. If the roof on your own building has any of the problems listed below, a company that specializes in commercial roofing should repair them quickly:
Buckled Panels
Roof panels buckle due to weather damage and poor installation. Regardless of the cause, the buckling allows wind to blow within the panels, making them loose. Because the problem worsens, the panels start to fall off, often coming off in large sections whenever a storm hits. Buckled panels are perhaps one of the most commonly fixed problems by companies that perform roof repair.
Expended Screw Holes
Expanded screw holes are another problem for panel roofs. As time passes, wind and fluctuating temperatures cause the screw holes in panels to widen around the screws that contain the panels in place. This creates a space where water can leak within the panels and soak the roof deck. Once the deck becomes saturated, the problem is costly to fix.
Improper heating procedures and dry lapping cause hot bituminous roof systems to blister. Although small blisters seldom pose an issue, large ones can rupture and allow water to seep beneath the bitumen. Once the blisters form, warm weather typically makes them worse. Due to the humid subtropical climate in some regions of the country, commercial roofing frequently experiences blistering.
Ponding Water
Blocked drains and improper sloping can cause water to assemble in small ponds on a roof. Repairing a blocked drain is simple, but fixing a sloping problem is more complex. Often, installing a taper insulation system to determine a new slope is best solution. During the rainy season, resolving ponding water is one of the most common types of roof repair.
Loose Flashing
Flashing prevents water from seeping in the crevice where in fact the roof abuts to protrusions such as chimneys and vents. As time passes, most flashing must be resealed. If it’s not, leaks could cause serious damage the deck and building interior. Most flashing problems are corrected during the course of scheduled maintenance.
Missing Mortar
Chimneys and high parts of brick walls that have sections of missing mortar could cause leaks. These leaks are often mistaken for leaks in the roof membrane, but a thorough inspection by way of a company that specializes in commercial roofing will reveal the real problem. Most parts of missing mortar can be repaired with basic tuck pointing procedures.
The problems above are some of the most common known reasons for roof repair. If they are corrected early, most problems are inexpensive to fix, but not addressing them until they cause serious problems may necessitate roof replacement. Having a scheduled maintenance agreement with a roofing company is a good solution to ensure problems are detected early.
1 July, 2024
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